Gallery Poulsen at Art Herning 2020


Art Herning, Jutland's Art Basel, is shining bright on the map, as one of the most important art events in Denmark for more than 25 years. Herning Is deeply rooted in Gallery Poulsen's DNA and it is with great pleasure that we once again go west to exhibit with the most excellent galleries in Denmark. In the 2020 edition of Art Herning we will present a wide range of recognizable names, but also two brand new ones have found their way to the heathen capital.


Landon Bailey Higgins:

Higgins is one of the young artists that we are particularly looking forward to show to you. He describes himself as an overachieving gay from the south, who has taken the jump and is now part of the vibrant art scene and thriving LGBT environment in New York.

His hyper-realistic paintings are provocative and yet humorous. Through his work, Higgins takes you into his own world, where human flesh is instead a sweet, shiny and chubby gummy bears. Higgins uses his obsession with light and color theory to illuminate and illustrate the underlying narratives. This meticulous combination of theatrical light, glowing colors and raw sexuality is characteristic of Higgins' work. He brings the techniques of the old masters into the 21st century, visualized through the pop culture icon, the gummy bear. His technique is sublime and thus he is a perfect match for Gallery Poulsen's team of exceptional painters.


Norman Reedus:

American Norman Reedus, who made his breakthrough in "The Boondock Saints" and since known for his role in "The Walking Dead" has throughout his acting career had a concurrent artistic career as a painter, sculptor and photographer with a primary focus on photography.

On March 28 we open the doors to a huge solo exhibition with Normann Reedus' latest work "Portraits from the Woods". Norman Reedus' photographs are beautiful and terrifying, macabre and provocative, alternately dark and sublime. This recurring theme in his pictures makes it disturbingly stunning. His work has been exhibited in Europe and the United States; Berlin, Hamburg, New York City, San Francisco and Los Angeles. At this year's Art Herning we show a preview of 9 selected photographs from the upcoming solo exhibition.


To the young new collector:

For the young new collector this year, we have put together four of the gallery's well-known names Eric White, William Powhida, Taylor Schultek and Mu Pan, to create works in editions. The works are digital prints, all produced by Andre Ribouli in his internationally renowned print studio in New York.

The editions of the works are low, so these prints are extremely exclusive and a unique chance to get your hands on a work by these four incredibly sought-after artists. Look forward to experiencing the works live at the Herning booth and through these take a look into the Promised Land.


At the booth in Herning we will present works by:

Landon Higgins Bailey (US), Norman Reedus (US), Taylor Schultek (US), MU Pan (US), Angela Gram (US), Eric White (US), Jean-Pierre Roy (US), Barnaby Whitfield (US) , Ian Ingram (US), Alison Blickle (US), John Jacobsmeyer (US), Jud Bergeron (US), Loie Cordero (PH), Super Future Kid (DE), Nicola Verlato (IT), William Powhida (US).



Find us here:

MCH Herning Convention Center

Østergade 37

7400 Herning

Booth 140



Opening hours

Friday, January 24 at 1 p.m. 2 to 7 PM

Saturday, January 25, at 1 p.m. 11 Am to 5 PM

Sunday, January 26 at 1 p.m. 11 Am to 5 PM




Gallery Poulsen på Art Herning 2020

Art Herning, Jyllands Art Basel, er massivt plantet på landkortet, som et af de vigtigste kunstevents i Danmark gennem mere end 25 år. Herning Ligger dybt forankret i Gallery Poulsens DNA og det er med stor fornøjelse, at vi igen i år drager vest på for at udstille med de absolut ypperligste gallerier i Danmark. I 2020-udgaven af Art Herning præsenterer vi en lang række genkendelige navne, men også to helt nye har fundet vej til hedens hovedstad.

Landon Bailey Higgins:

Higgins er en af de unge kunstnere, som vi især glæder os til at præsentere for jer. Landon beskriver sig selv som en overopfyldende homoseksuel fra sydstaterne, der har taget springet og nu er en del af den pulserende kunstscene og det blomstrende LGBT-miljø i New York.

Hans hyperrealistiske malerier er provokerende og alligevel humoristiske. Igennem sit arbejde bringer Higgins dig ind i sin egen verden, hvor menneskeligt kød i stedet er en sød, skinnende og buttet vingummibamse.

Higgins bruger sin besættelse af lys- og farveteori til at belyse og illustrere, de underliggende fortællinger. Denne omhyggelige kombination af teatralsk lys, glødende farver og rå seksualitet er karakteristisk for Higgins' arbejde. Han bringer de gamle mestres teknikker ind i det 21. århundrede, visualiseret gennem popkulturikonet, vingummibamsen. Hans teknik er sublim og dermed er han et perfekt match til Gallery Poulsens hold af exceptionelle malere.

Norman Reedus:

Amerikanske Norman Reedus, der fik sit gennembrud i ”The Boondock Saints” og siden kendt for sin rolle i ”Walking Dead” har under hele sin skuespilskarriere haft en sideløbende kunstnerisk karriere som maler, skulptør og fotograf med fortrinsvis fokus på fotografiet. 28. marts blænder vi op for en kæmpe soloudstilling med Normann Reedus’ seneste værk ”Portraits from the Woods”, som på en gang er blændende fantastisk og samtidig meget mørk og makaber. Norman Reedus' fotografier er smukke og skræmmende, makabre og provokerende, skiftevis mørke og sublime. Dette tilbagevendende tema i hans billeder gør det foruroligende smukt. Hans arbejde er blevet udstillet i Europa og i USA; Berlin, Hamborg, New York City, San Francisco og Los Angeles. På årets Art Herning viser vi en forsmag på 9 udvalgte fotografier fra den kommende soloudstilling.

Til den unge nye samler:

Til den unge nye samler har vi i år sat fire af galleriets velkendte navne Eric White, William Powhida, Taylor Schultek og Mu Pan, til at skabe værker i editioner. Værkerne er digitale prints, der alle er produceret af Andre Ribouli i hans internationalt anerkendte print studio i New York.

Editionerne på værkerne er lav, disse prints er derfor særdeles eksklusive og en unik chance for at få fingre i et værk af disse fire utrolig efterspurgte kunstnere. Glæd jer til at opleve værkerne live på standen Herning og igennem disse få et kig ind i det forjættede land.


På standen i Herning vil vi præsentere værker af:

Landon Higgins Bailey (US), Norman Reedus (US), Taylor Schultek (US), MU Pan (US), Angela Gram (US), Eric White (US), Jean-Pierre Roy (US), Barnaby Whitfield (US), Ian Ingram (US), Alison Blickle (US), John Jacobsmeyer (US), Jud Bergeron (US), Louie Cordero (PH), Super Future Kid (DE), Nicola Verlato (IT), William Powhida (US).


Find os her:

MCH Herning kongrescenter

Østergade 37

7400 Herning

Stand 140



Fredag     24. januar kl. 14.00-19.00
Lørdag     25. januar kl. 11.00-17.00
Søndag    26. januar kl. 11.00-17.00





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