Colin Chillag: "Being There Then"

February 23 - March 23

We first saw Chillag's work in person during the gallery's summer group show back in August and instantly fell in love with both the concept and the technical execution of his insane group portrait.
- Juxtapoz Magazine (February 2019)

Det er med stor fornøjelse, at vi præsenterer Colin Chillags første soloudstilling i galleriet. Chillags nye udstilling ”Being There Then” er baseret på en større samling af polaroidfotografier fra 1960erne og 1970erne, der skildrer hverdagsscenarier fra en forgangen tid, der pludselig slipper ud af sin tidskapsel.

At gå gennem udstillingen giver en umiddelbar følelse af at træde ned af en ’memory lane’ af portrætter, landskaber eller feriebilleder, der giver os et indblik i ukendte menneskers hverdag og relationer. Det kighul Colin Chillag skaber gennem sin skildring af de falmede fotografier, både prikker til vores voyeuristiske nysgerrighed og udfordrer den private sfære. Foruden det repræsentative element i værkerne, er Chillag også optaget af en mere underliggende filosofisk tilgang til hverdagslivet som noget helt og aldeles forunderligt.

”Being There Then” er Colin Chillags egen filosofiske undersøgelse af det eksistentielle i vores hverdag. Filosofiens tradition for at undersøge alt, hvad vi omgiver os med, både naturen såvel som sansende, har Chillag overført til sine værker for at vise os, at hverdagslivet er det mest underfulde og meningsfyldte subjekt, hvis vi blot stopper op og lægger mærke til det. Den rene usandsynlighed, kompleksiteten, skønheden og smerten virker pludselig forbløffende.

Colin Chillag har lånt værktitlerne direkte fra den tyske filosof og banebrydende teoretiker, Martin Heideggers terminologi, som en måde at trække opmærksomheden videre fra de umiddelbare hverdagsskildringer og give et underforstået humoristisk svar på betydningen af samt vores grundlæggende bevidsthed om eksistens.

Udstillingen viser 13 oliemalerier
Kontakt galleriet på [email protected] eller tlf. + 45 33 33 93 96 for nærmere information

We are delighted to present the first solo show by Colin Chillag in our gallery. Chillag’s new exhibition ”Being There Then” is based on his collection of polaroid photos from the 1960s and 1970s, depicting everyday scenes as emanations of a past reality.

Walking through the exhibitions you an immediate feeling of stepping down a memory lane of portraits, landscapes and holiday photos, giving us an insight into the everyday lives and relationships of unknown people. The peephole Colin Chillag creates through his depiction of the faded photographs, both feeds our curiosity and challenge the private sphere. In addition to the representative element of his works, Chillag creates a focal point around around an underlying philosophical approach to everyday life as something completely and absolutely astounding.

"Being There Then" is Colin Chillag's own philosophical study of our everyday existence. The philosophical tradition of examining our surroundings, both nature as well as sentient, Chillag has transferred to his works to show us that everyday reality is the most wondrous and meaningful subject, if only we stop and notice. The sheer improbability, the complexity, the beauty and the pain suddenly seem amazing.

Chillag has derived the titles of his paintings directly from the terminology of German philosopher and seminal thinker, Martin Heidegger, as a way of drawing attention on from the immediate everyday depictions and also to provide
a humorous answer to the meaning of our fundamental awareness of existence.

The exhibition shows 13 oil paintings
Contact the gallery at [email protected] or phone + 45 33 33 93 96 for further information




"Being There Then (Backyard)" 2019, oil on panel, 46 x 46 cm, 18 x 18 in
"Being in the World as a Being for which Being as such is a Concern (portrait of a woman)" 2019, oil on panel, 51 x 51 cm, 20 x 20 in
"Being There Then (Graveside)" 2019, oil on canvas mounted on panel, 46 x 46 cm, 18 x 18 in
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view

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