Holy Mackerel!

A Solo Exhibition by Ryan Davis

20.04.24 - 18.05.24

"My work concentrates on the human relationship with the sea. Individuals bent on the task of survival in the wild and turbulent sea that is a recipe for nature's force. I balance this with the harmonious and serene beauty of the seas and leisurely activities. These paintings tell the story of my deep connection with my community, family and experiences as an offshore fisherman. How the ocean can bring us together and tear us apart.”

Ryan Davis, 2024


Despite the sea being a tempestuous and unpredictable force, offshore working-class fishermen of New England, boldly set sail in Ryan Davis’ new series of oil paintings to take on the stormy North Atlantic waters in one of the world’s richest fishing grounds.


The exhibition “Holy Mackerel!”, which is named after Ryan Davis’ father’s boat, features works that represent Davis’ first-hand experiences and passion for the sea. Not only do they aptly capture the essence of the tides moving in and out, the light bouncing off the waves and the drastic weather changes of the ocean but they also serve as a powerful representation of the livelihood the sea provides, the day-to-day struggle of the fishing community and the massive feat of getting seafood onto a plate. Davis’ artwork observes humanity’s interaction with the ocean and its role as a vital food source, as well as being a significant body of strength, power, beauty and force – indicating a relationship to be sustained and preserved. Encapsulating the jagged, testing and shifting environment of the sea through specially shaped canvases and frames, Davis instills his artwork with a palpable essence of his memories and life experiences, capturing moments that resonate with the senses and reflect his deep affection for his home and community.


Born in Boston, Massachusetts, from a long line of fishermen, Davis grew up in a coastal town where he was exposed to a driven community of fishermen and traditional seascape artists. Inspired by the artists Winslow Homer (1836-1910) and Joaquin Sorolla (1863 – 1923), Davis’ sensitive approach to painting encompasses a juxtaposition of the calm before the storm alongside the courageous feats of being an offshore fisherman in a brutal and humbling terrain.


“Placing the sea as a metaphor for the unknown I juxtapose the more traditional painting language with a modern twist with the manipulation of the canvas shapes and frames. My thought process behind this stems from our relationship with the rectangle. The rectangle is a symbol I see as something more than a basic geometric shape. Rectangles have become a symbol that follows us within our daily lives through mirrors, cell phones, tvs, etc.I see this as a mere redundancy that I want a break from. I have always been drawn to irregular, complex and changing environments.The canvas shapes take on images associated with the sea itself while interplaying their role within the painting and design. The process of making the canvas adds on an extra quality of ingenuity and creativity that I find appealing as it reminds me of the days stuck at sea having to think on your feet in case something breaks and you don’t have parts to replace it.”

Ryan Davis, 2024


Ryan Davis’ debut solo exhibition at Gallery Poulsen presents 15 new oil paintings, where you can experience both the beauty and the harsh reality of Davis’ nautical scenes. The opening reception will take place on Saturday, April 20th from 12:00 to 16:00 at Gallery Poulsen, Staldgade 32, where Ryan Davis will be making the trip across the Atlantic to hold an artist talk at 13:00. His artistic journey has taken him to exhibitions across the United States, including New York and Massachusetts, as well as internationally in Cortona, Italy. Davis earned his BA in Art and -Art History and Business in the Liberal Arts, from St. Lawrence University in 2018. In addition, he obtained an MFA from the New York Academy of Art in 2022. Currently, Davis resides and creates art in both Rockport, Massachusetts and New York City.

Holy Mackerel!

A Solo Exhibition by Ryan Davis

20.04.24 – 18.05.24  


Opening reception: Saturday, April 20th, 12.00 – 16.00

The Exhibition presents 15 new oil paintings

Contact the gallery at [email protected] or tel.+ 45 33 33 93 96 for more info


Holy Mackerel!

En soloudstilling af Ryan Davis

20.04.24 - 18.05.24

"My work concentrates on the human relationship with the sea. Individuals bent on the task of survival in the wild and turbulent sea that is a recipe for nature's force. I balance this with the harmonious and serene beauty of the seas and leisurely activities. These paintings tell the story of my deep connection with my community, family and experiences as an offshore fisherman. How the ocean can bring us together and tear us apart.”

Ryan Davis, 2024


På trods af at havet er en omskiftelig og uforudsigelig kraft, sejler de stolte fiskere fra New England modigt men frygtsomt ud på havet i Ryan Davis' nye serie af oliemalerier, for at tage kampen op mod de stormfulde farvande, i et af verdens rigeste fiskeområder i Nordatlanten.


Udstillingen ”Holy Mackerel!”, som er opkaldt efter Ryan Davis’ fars båd, viser værker, der repræsenterer Davis’ egne erfaringer og dybe passion for havet. De fanger ikke kun essensen af tidevandet og lyset, der reflekterer fra bølgerne samt det drastiske vejrskifte på havet, men fungerer også som en kraftfuld repræsentation af det levebrød, havet giver. Derudover viser de fiskersamfundets daglige kamp og den massive præstation der ligger bag at få fisken i land. Davis’ kunst observerer menneskets interaktion med havet, hvor det fremstår som både en livsnødvendig fødekilde og en betydelig enhed af styrke, skønhed og ærefrygt. Hans værker fremhæver en relation, der skal opretholdes og bevares. Havets ujævne, udfordrende og skiftende omgivelser indkapsles gennem omhyggeligt udskårne rammer og special formede lærreder, hvorved Davis indgyder sit kunstværk med en håndgribelig essens af sine egne minder og livserfaringer. Han fanger de øjeblikke, der resonerer med sanserne og afspejler hans dybe kærlighed til sit hjem og ophav.


Født i 1995 i Boston, Massachusetts, ind i en familie af fiskere og opvokset i en kystby, blev Ryan Davis tidligt eksponeret for et dedikeret fællesskab af fiskere og traditionelle landskabsmalere. Inspireret af kunstnerne Winslow Homer (1836-1910) og Joaquin Sorolla (1863-1923), omfatter Davis’ følsomme tilgang til maleriet en sammenstilling af roen inden stormen, sammen med de viljefaste bedrifter ved at være en fisker i et brutalt og udfordrende miljø.


“Placing the sea as a metaphor for the unknown I juxtapose the more traditional painting language with a modern twist with the manipulation of the canvas shapes and frames. My thought process behind this stems from our relationship with the rectangle. The rectangle is a symbol I see as something more than a basic geometric shape. Rectangles have become a symbol that follows us within our daily lives through mirrors, cell phones, tvs, etc.I see this as a mere redundancy that I want a break from. I have always been drawn to irregular, complex and changing environments. The canvas shapes take on images associated with the sea itself while interplaying their role within the painting and design. The process of making the canvas adds on an extra quality of ingenuity and creativity that I find appealing as it reminds me of the days stuck at sea having to think on your feet in case something breaks, and you don’t have parts to replace it.”

Ryan Davis, 2024


Ryan Davis’ debut soloudstilling hos Gallery Poulsen præsenterer 15 nye oliemalerier, hvor du kan dykke ned i både skønheden og den rå virkelighed i Davis’ nautiske scener. Ferniseringen finder sted lørdag den 20. april kl.12.00 til 16.00 i Gallery Poulsen, Staldgade 32, hvor der afholdes en ’Artist Talk’ kl.13.00 af Ryan Davis, som tager turen over Atlanten. Hans kunstneriske rejse har ført ham til udstillinger på tværs af USA, herunder i New York og Massachusetts, samt internationalt i Cortona, Italien. Han opnåede sin BA i Kunst og Kunsthistorie fra St. Lawrence Universitet i 2018 og fulgte op med en MFA fra New York Academy of Art i 2022. I øjeblikket bor og arbejder han både i Rockport, Massachusetts og New York City.

 Holy Mackerel!

En soloudstilling af Ryan Davis

20.04.24 – 18.05.24


Fernisering: Lørdag d. 20. april kl. 12.00 – 16.00

Udstillingen præsenterer 15 nye oliemalerier

Kontakt galleriet på [email protected] eller tlf.+ 45 33 33 93 96 for mere info


Ryan Davis “30th Trawl” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, wood, lobster trap wire/vent, 69,6 x 60,7 cm, 27,5 x 23,9 cm
Ryan Davis “Annisquam Lighthouse” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 73 cm, 28,8 in diameter
Ryan Davis “Gloucester Harbor Sail” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 73,7 cm, 29 in diameter
Ryan Davis “Kicking up” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 59,7 x 75,6 cm, 23,5 x 29,8 in
Ryan Davis “Lost in the Grand Banks” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 52,7 x 80cm, 20,8 x 31,5
Ryan Davis “Motif #1” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 73 x 69,9 cm, 28,8 x 27,5 in
Ryan Davis “Summer Sail” 2024 - Oil on panel with custom-made frame, 69,2 x 74 cm, 27,3 x 29,1 in
Ryan Davis “The Calling of June” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 52 x 76,2 cm, 20,5 x 30 in
Ryan Davis “The Headwind” 2024 - Oil on panel with custom-made frame, 58,4 x 58,4 cm, 23 x 23 in
Ryan Davis “The Morning Clearing” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 36,3 x 72,4 cm, 14,5 x 28,5 in
Ryan Davis “The Oarsman” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 48,3 x 76,5 cm, 19 x 30,1 in
Ryan Davis “Winter Coast” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 54,6 x 70,5 cm, 21,5 x 27,8 in
Ryan Davis “Good Harbor Beach” 2023 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 59,4 x 62,2 cm, 23,4 x 24,5 in
Ryan Davis “Gone Fishing” 2024 - Oil on shaped panel with custom-made frame, 58 x 70,2 cm, 22,9 x 27,6 in
Ryan Davis “Hook, Line and Sink” 2024 - Oil on shaped canvas, mounted to panel, 73,7 cm, 29 in diameter

Installation Images

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