Førerløst skib lægger til i Kødbyen

September 6 - October 5

Den New York baserede kunstner, Jade Townsend, lægger fredag den 6. september til kaj hos Gallery Poulsen i Kødbyen med soloudstillingen Vera Historia.

Udstillingen er den selvstændige fortsættelse af Townsends udstilling Ship of Fools, som er en moderne kunstpolitisk fortolkning af Sebastian Brants satiriske bog fra 1494. Udstillingen fandt sted på kunstmessen Volta i New York tidligere i år.

Ship of Fools beretter om et skib, lastet med en flok uvidende og forvirrede passagerer, ombord på et skib uden kaptajn eller styring. Passagerer, der synes at være uinteresserede i at kende deres egen kurs.

I Jade Townsends fortolkning træder allegorien ind i en samtidig kontekst. Her er skibet ikke førerløst, men trukket af en kæmpe iklædt det amerikanske flag. Kæmpen, der repræsenterer den hovedløse overmagt og dennes selvtilstrækkelighed og egoisme, slæber ganske som i den oprindelige myte afsted med et samfund, præget af apati og ligegyldighed overfor den overordnede kurs.

I Vera Historia digter Townsend videre på, hvad der kunne være sket efter Ship of Fools sluttede.

Udstillingens værker danner tilsammen historien om den katastrofe, der nødvendigvis må indtræffe, hvis det moderne samfund fortsætter den kurs, som Jade Townsend mener, vi er inde på. Igennem udstillingens værker kan man således se en udvikling fra katastrofens indtræden og dens konsekvenser til rekonstruktion og fremskridt.

Jade Townsend (f. 1977 i Iowa, US) er uddannet fra Hunter College i 2003 og fra Iowa State University i 1999.

Det er kunstnerens 3. soloudstilling på Gallery Poulsen. Tidligere solo shows inkluderer Narrenschiff på Volta NY/Gallery Poulsen, Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes på Gallery Poulsen , Leviathan på Leslie Heller Workspace, NY,Sick, sick wind på Priska C. Juschka Fine Art, NY og Born between Piss and Shit på Cress Gallery, TN.
Townsend bor og arbejder i Brooklyn, New York.

Jade Townsend ankommer til København fredag den 30 august for at bygge en installation til udstillingen og vil være tilgængelig for interviews, kontakt Morten Poulsen på +45 4015 5588 / [email protected] for yderligere information

Ship without a captain docks in Kødbyen

New York based artist Jade Townsend will be docking his ship at Gallery Poulsen at September 6th with the solo exhibition Vera Historia.

The exhibition is the independent sequel to Townsends show Ship of Fools, which is a modern artistic interpretation of Sebastian Brants satiric book from 1494. The exhibition was held at the art fair Volta in New York last year.

Ship of Fools depicts a vessel populated by inhabitants who are deranged, frivolous, or oblivious passengers aboard a ship without a pilot, and seemingly ignorant of their own direction.

In Jade Townsends interpretation the allegory is placed into a contemporary context, in which the ship is not driverless, but is being dragged along by a giant dressed in Stars and Stripes. The giant, that represents the reckless supremacy and egotism, is like in the original myth, dragging along a society characterized by apathy and indifference to the overall direction.

In Vera Historia Townsend predicts what could have happened after Ship of Fools ended.

The works of the exhibition together forms a tale of the catastrophe, that is going to occur, if modern society continues down the path, that Jade Townsend believes we are on. Throughout the works of the exhibition one can follow the development from the occurrence of the disaster and its consequences to the reconstruction and progress.

Jade Townsend (b. 1977 in Iowa, US) graduated from Hunter College in 2003 and from Iowa State University in 1999.

Vera Historia is the artists third solo show at Gallery Poulsen. Past solo exhibitions include Narrenschiff at Volta NY/Gallery Poulsen, Bellum Omnium Contra Omnes at Gallery Poulsen, Leviathan at Leslie Heller Workspace, NY, Sick, sick wind at Priska C. Huschka Fine Art, NY, and Born between Piss and Shit at Cress Gallery, TN.
Townsend lives and works in Brooklyn, New York.

Jade Townsend arrives in Copenhagen Friday August 30 to build an installation for the exhibition. For interviews and further information please contact Morten Poulsen on +45 4015 5588 or [email protected].

"Vera Historia"
Jade Townsend (US) solo
September 6th to October 5th
Opening Friday September 6th from 5 to 7 pm


"The Disaster" Graphite, charcoal, prisma color, oil and ink on paper, 132 x 91,5 cm, 2013.
"The Rebuild" Graphite, charcoal, prisma color, oil and ink on paper, 132 x 91,5 cm, 2013.
"The Devastation" Graphite, charcoal, prisma color, oil and ink on paper, 132 x 91,5 cm, 2013
"The Advance" Graphite, charcoal, prisma color, oil and ink on paper, 91,5 x 132 cm, 2013.
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view

Din vare er nu tilføjet til indkøbskurven