7 hidsige røvhuller fra spøgelsesbyen


Se Jokerens interview med Tom Sanford her:

Interview med Ryan Schneider og Tom Sanford på kopenhagen

I et nedlagt industrikvarter i Brooklyn, New York, hersker spøgelsesstemningen - et forladt kvarter der giver kuldegysninger, men under huden på betonørkenen spirer kreativiteten. Og det er her jeg, Morten Poulsen, er gået på kunstnerjagt en tidlig forårsuge i Marts måned, under The Armory Show i New York.
I de tomme lagerhaller har alverdens kunstnere slået sig ned, hvorfra de dikterer verdensscenen, og som Leif Djurhuus, manden med Danmarks største kunstsamling siger, er det for alvor de unge amerikanske kunstnere, der sætter dagsordnen for tiden.

I betonbunkere mellem knækkede skorstene bor de hidsige røvhuller, (Irascible Assholes), som de kalder sig – en gruppe på syv unge samtidskunstnere, der, når bølgerne ikke går højt på den lokale bar, svinger penslerne i de nedlagte fabrikshaller.

Til deling har de en stræben efter at gengive livsoplevelser, der spænder vidt. Henover kæresteforhold, amerikansk popkultur, sex, stoffer og politik skubber de med hver sin stil udtrykket ind i friske og nutidige rammer. Både subtilt og bombastisk.
Med rå og kompromisløs ærlighed skildres livets op- og nedture i en skæv skønhed, der varierer mellem kynisk realisme og eksplosiv ekspressionisme.

Fra en verdensdel til en anden – et nedlagt industrikvarter til et andet – udstiller Gallery Poulsen nu de syv hidsige røvhuller, når dørene bliver slået op til de nye lokaler i kødbyen på vesterbro. Mere autentiske rammer findes næppe til malerierne, der er skabt i skyggen af tidligere tiders pumpende industri.
Det der egentlig bare var en undskyldning for en tur til New york, har vist sig, at blive startskuddet til endnu et spændende kapitel i Gallery Poulsens historie, der endelig har fundet sin helt rigtige hylde i Kødbyens sydende og kreative univers.

At Gallery Poulsen, Copenhagen, June 18th, 2010

Featuring: Dan Heidkamp, William Powhida, Van Hanos, Tom Sanford, Ryan Schneider, Jamison Brosseau, and Aaron Johnson

“The Irascible Assholes” is a show of seven young and active painters who live and work in New York City. This group of artists makes paintings that run the gamut from a sort of Otto Dix realism to a crude, almost tribal expressionism. Besides the brash exploitation of materials, and exploration of painting’s history in all of this work, what connects these artists is their unflinching examination of life’s experiences; from small moments and tedium, to more universal life- altering events. Each artist does this with a crude honesty- and in that crudeness there is an off kilter beauty.

Relationships, American pop culture, politics, tragic world happenings, sex, drugs, and art world nepotism are all subjects these artists exploit, at times subtly and at times not. Each artist hee has his own relationship with the act of painting, and strives to forward the medium in some way, making it fresh for contemporary times. Though at the same time, each carries the burden of the history of painting on his shoulders. 

Giving a nod to “The Irascibles” before them, the “Irascible Assholes” as well are a group of painters who spend a lot of time at each other’s studios, or on the local bar stool arguing about painting. And all live, work, or spend an immense amount of time in the neighborhood of Bushwick, Brooklyn, an industrial New York area filled to the brim with the studios of young , emerging artists.



The Irascible Assholes: New Paintings from New York
June 19 to July 17

Vernissage and opening party friday June 18 from 5 to 10 pm.

Dan Heidkamp, William Powhida, Van Hanos, Tom Sanford, Ryan Schneider,
Jamison Brosseau, and Aaron Johnson, all from the US

Gallery Poulsen Contemporary Fine Arts
Flæsketorvet 24, Den hvide Kødby
1711 København V.
Tlf.+45 4015 5588
[email protected]
Opening hours: Wednesday thru Friday 13 -17, Saturday and every other day, by appointment, tel +45-40 15 55 88



"The Irascible Ass Holes" Modified Photo made by Tom Sandford and Ryan Schneider, about the NY painters coming to CPH.
"Indivisible" by Aaron Johnson 152 x 152 cm, 2009, acrylic on construction debris netting
"Panopiticon" by Daniel Heidkamp 162 x 170 cm, 2010, oil on canvas
"Dana Reading" by Ryan Schneider 100 x 120 cm, 2010, oil on canvas
"Talisman to Summon Rich Collectors" by William Powhida 55 x 76 cm, 2010, Magic, graphite, watercolor, gouache, and adhesive on paper, 2010
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view
Installation view

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