William Powhida: "On the Contemporary"
November 17 - December 20
NY Times har udnævnt ham som ”one of our most trenchant and acerbic political artists”
Prisvindende kunstkritiker Jerry Saltz opfordrer: ”Some New York museum should immediately commission him to make a huge drawing of the art world as it is today”
Lørdag d. 17. november åbner Gallery Poulsen dørene for en af tidens absolut mest anmelderroste verdensnavne på den internationale kunstscene, William Powhida, når han kommer til København for at præsentere sin nye soloudstilling ”On the Contemporary”.
Med sin konfronterende akademiske tilgang og knivskarpe socioøkonomiske overblik, kanaliserer William Powhida en række ubehageligt nøjagtige og skelsættende fremtidssyn gennem sit velkendte satiriske perspektiv, hvilket gør ham til en af de vigtigste og mest omstridte nulevende kunstnere!
Som titlen antyder, er udstillingen ”On the Contemporary” et direkte bud på en vigtig periode i kunsthistorien, defineret ud fra ekspansionerne og sammentrækningerne på kunstscenen fra 2000 – 2025. I kølvandet på USAs midtvejsvalg d. 6. november illustrerer udstillingens hovedværk ”The Contemporary (2000-2025)” forholdet mellem samtidskunsten og den politiske og socioøkonomiske kontekst i to omfattende visuelle tidslinjer, der eksemplificeres i mere end 100 Artforum reklamer gengivet i akvarel og akryl.
Gennem sine spekulative værker, udfordrer Powhida ideen om den neoliberale frie markedskapitalisme som værende det bedste system til støtte af det demokratiske samfund og kulturproduktionen midt i en tid, som det amerikanske midtvejsvalg demonstrerer, hvor disse systemer befinder sig i dyb krise rundt om i verden.
”On the Contemporary” er en fortsættelse af William Powhidas museumsudstilling ”After the Contemporary”, som The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum præsenterede i marts-september 2017. Her stillede han skarpt på spørgsmål som what does Contemporary Art suggest about the future of society? Powhidas forskningsbaserede og spekulative fremtidsperspektiver påpeger en voksende ulighed, der tjener som en foruroligende advarsel, hvis de nuværende tendenser fortsætter!
I efterdønningerne af midtvejsvalget og med udstillingsåbningen lige om hjørnet, bliver William Powhida ikke mere højaktuel end lige netop nu! Vi giver jer derfor muligheden for at opleve udstillingen lige midt i en vigtig historisk begivenhed!
Udstillingen viser mere end 120 værker.
William Powhida er i København fra d. 10.-18. november og tilgængelig for interviews.
Kontakt galleriet på [email protected] eller tlf. + 45 33 33 93 96 for nærmere information
NY Times has named him ”one of our most trenchant and acerbic political artists”
Award-winning art critic Jerry Saltz has previously urged: "Some New York Museum should immediately commission him to make a huge drawing of the art world as it is today"
On November 17th, Gallery Poulsen will open the doors to one of the most critically acclaimed names on the international art scene of our time, William Powhida, as he arrives in Copenhagen to present his new solo exhibition ”On the Contemporary”.
With his confrontational academic approach and razor-sharp socioeconomic overview, Powhida channels a series of grimly plausible visions of the future through the artist’s well-known, satirical perspective, making him one of the most important and contentious artists working today.
The exhibition "On the Contemporary", as its title suggests, proposes that contemporary art is a defined period of art history driven by the expansion and eventual contraction of the art market from 2000 - 2025. In the wake of the United States mid-term election on November 6th, the centerpieces of the exhibition outline the relationship between contemporary art and the political and socioeconomic contexts of the period through two large scale visual timelines, one composed of over a 100 Artforum advertisements rendered in watercolor and acrylic. Together, along with several other historical and speculative works, the artist challenges the idea that neoliberal, free market capitalism is the best system to support democratic societies and cultural production in a time — as the urgency of the US mid-term elections demonstrate — when these systems are in crisis around the world.
"On the Contemporary" is a continuation of Powhida's exhibition "After the Contemporary", the artist’s first museum solo exhibition at The Aldrich Contemporary Art Museum in March-September 2017. Here, Powhida’s new paintings and drawings continue to ask what do the changes in contemporary art predict about the future of society? Powhida’s research-based analysis and speculative future outcomes trace a course of greater inequality that serves as a troubling warning if current trends continue.
In the aftermath of the mid-term election and with the exhibition opening just around the corner, William Powhida could not be more relevant! We therefore ask you to join us for the opportunity to experience the exhibition amidst a crucial historical event!
The exhibition shows more than 120 works.
William Powhida will be in Copenhagen from November 10-18 and available for interviews.
Contact the gallery at [email protected] or phone + 45 33 33 93 96 for further information